Working around the house today. Need to clean the filter in the furnace. The previous owners had this Sears electronic air filtering gizmo installed, and it calls for periodic cleaning rather than replacing the filters (like I'm used to from our old house). Seems easy enough, just a bit more time consuming than sliding out a used filter and inserting a clean, new one. The leaves are starting to fall again, so that means it's time to break out the leaf blower, mulcher, bags, etc. This will be a 2-month-long battle: me vs. tons of trees. Along the way, I will break down and pay a lawn service to blast through and do the yard because they're in and out in about 30 minutes. But we'll see. I also need to schedule the sprinkler system guy to come out and shut everything down. Again, this seems easy enough, but since I don't have an air compressor (yet), I don't know how I would be able to "blow the lines" so all of the water is cleared out for the win