Angie and I started decorating for Christmas this weekend. I pulled all the boxes out of storage (basement, garage, etc.) and she attacked the inside of the house while I tackled the outside. She helped me outside by steadying the ladder while I was stringing up the icicle lights on the second floor. I had to use an extension ladder to do the lights on the left side, and then I climbed onto the roof to finish up the right side. It was a little scary for me since I'm not a big fan of heights, shaky ladders, or walking on roofs... After the second floor was done, it was all cake after that. We haven't put up the tree yet because the kids weren't home today (they like helping out with decorating and building the tree; yes, it's a fake one). So maybe next weekend we'll do that. I believe we're putting the tree in the living room this year, so it will be positioned in the center of the front window. I'll have to take another pic once it's up. Hope
The life and times of the Hampton Family of Mt. Laurel, NJ.