Yesterday, Adrian woke up dry, which he does most of the time. He had an OK day as far as going #1. Number Two, though, is a different story. In the afternoon, he told Angie he had to go so she put him on the little potty in the downstairs bathroom. He asked to be alone, but then started saying he didn't have to go. Angie thought for sure he had to go number two, so I went in and gave him a little pep talk and convinced him to sit back down on the potty. I left the bathroom and went out into the backyard to get ready to mow the grass, and within 60 seconds Angie yelled out to me that he had pooped. On the bathroom floor (which she had just cleaned earlier that day)! Later on we went out to dinner for my mom's birthday (which was Friday). After dinner we decided to go play a round of miniature golf. So before we left I took Adrian to the restroom (I had also brought along our toilet seat 'adapter' for him). Angie hasn't had luck getting him on there at home, but h...
The life and times of the Hampton Family of Mt. Laurel, NJ.